Monday, April 14, 2008

A Small Glory

I have but one small glory,

While others have great ones for each day.

My small glory is like a ray of sunlight

Sent from God to open a once dead rose.

While to others it may mean nothing at all,

To me that one small glory is the best thing in the world.

It doesn’t happen very often,

And sometimes not at all.

It’s seldom great, but always small.

It seems to encourage me from day unto day

To live for a cause that is sometime beyond the reach of others.

It goes beyond that wall of nothing

And reaches out into that valley of all valleys

Made of nothing more than glory and beauty.

To me my small glory is the most beautiful thing in the world.

It sometimes means little,

But always something, large or small.

To me it is like an unalienable right

That nobody can take away from me.

I really know not what it is,

But it is there somewhere beneath my heart.

It may be made of one or a dozen things,

But it is there somewhere beneath my heart.

Sharon, age 13